2009 was supposed to be a GOOD year, what happened? I hope everything starts to turn around in a good way for everyone as of right now 4/29! Lauren one of Joseph's favorite nurses just emailed me with more terrible news :(
Terri Wade one of the nuses at the NICU at CHOA-Egleston passed away. Terri was merely having headaches two weeks ago and went to the doctor to get some medicine. The next thing they know is that Terri's being taken to have brain surgery. Unfortunately, her body was just not strong enough to recover and yesterday she went to heaven with all the NICU babies that have passed including Joseph. Please keep Terri's family and the entire staff at the NICU at Egleston in your prayers.

2009 people that passed away "related to me/that I know": (Yes, I made a list)
1- Our beautiful son Joseph, we will miss you forever!
2- Ryann (CDH baby)
3-Addison (CDH baby)
4- Maxton (CDH baby)
5- Kaden (CDH baby)
6- Skylar's Grandfather (passed a few days after Joseph)
7- Clyde's Grandmother (a friend)
8- Terri (nurse at the NICU)
9- My mom's co-workers sister
10 - Father Mendez
11- 2 of my grandma's friends
and the list goes on...
I know we haven't posted in a while I just haven't been very happy with God lately so I didn't want to write something I will regret. I got very upset the other day, when I read the news about a father in WA killing his own 5 children b/c his wife was leaving. I just don't understand why would a person like this gets to have his children while Sky and I and many other parents that just want nothing but to love their kids, have their kids taken away?
Sky and I are doing okay, we still have our days but we are doing a lot better. We have been working non-stop which is helping us. We also decided that we need to start having more family time so we have been going out with the girls a lot. Sky and Aly's new hobby is fishing. Sofia likes to talk very loud and scares the fishes away, so her and I have our fun at the park and eating candy :) while they go fishing. I will post more about how we been doing later.
Thanks again to everyone for your support, prayers, and donations. Also, we will be taking all the items we bought with your donations to the NICU this week and post pics soon. Shopping for baby things and no bay was very hard but something I felt I needed to do.
~ Carla