Sunday, January 11, 2009

Good and Not so Good News

First of all I want to thank everyone for your support, it really means a lot to me. It's amazing how in situations like this people who don't know each other can actually be your best support and that voice that you want and need to hear saying that everything will be okay. I know that so many other moms that are dealing or have dealt with the same/similar situation I'm dealing with take their time to support me (a stranger) while I have "friends" who have disappeared during this difficult pregnancy.

The appointment with the Perinatologist last Friday 1/9 went okay. We received good and not so good news. The good news is that the baby is still growing well. He is measuring about 2 weeks and 1 day bigger (36 weeks and 2 days) and he weighs about 6 lbs. and 1oz. which is good for him b/c he will do better during and after the surgery. Now the not so good news is that they can see two lungs but they think they haven't had a chance to develop. The perinatologist doesn't even want to give me a 5% chance for each lung. I'm still crossing my fingers that the lungs did have a chance to develop and that they just can't see them b/c they are to smashed to be able to see.

~ Carla


Maxton's Mommy said...

I will tell you what I have been told- don't always trust the ultrasounds, especially with CDH babies. Sometimes they just can't see what is happening. It is interesting how "friends" disappear. I think maybe they just don't know what to say so they opt to say nothing. Some of my best support has also been from strangers who are quickly becoming friends. Hang in there. we are thinking of you!

Anonymous said...

Don't let the numbers get to you. Easier said than done right? There is so much that an ultrasound can't tell them about CDH babies. Just stay positive and keep the faith and hope. These babies perform miracles every day!

If there is anything I can do for you please let me know. I am always here for you. Day or night.

Jessica Singletary

Marion said...

I will tell you that the ultrasounds are not always as accurate as you would hope. I know that between two different hospitals; we got totally different numbers for Addison. Also, the utlrasound tech that see on Mondays told me that it is all in the position of the baby and how much it is moving. Just remain positive! The numbers do not dictate whether he will survive...Only God, his doctors, and his will to fight can do that!

Anonymous said...

We are all going thru this together. I will be by your side. While I also have my weak moments, something tells me everything will be ok. I read not long ago that it take special parents to raise special kids. You are both wonderful parents, I know God has a reason for this b/c deep in my heart I know you will take care of this little one with all your heart , all your love, all the caring you can give him and more. Life is not easy, no one said it would be. We will make this journey together - the best we can. God is on our side and he will help us go thru this. We just have to BELIEVE and we will SEE.


Anonymous said...

We are truly saddened by the news of your baby boy. We hope for the best and positive outcome from this. Life isn't always necessarily in the physical form, but rather the spiritual form. You are fortunate enough to carry his legacy and soul within your hearts and minds.

We will pray for ya'll everyday and every night.

Theary & Jack

Anonymous said...

I see good news here that you can see 2 lungs, thay can pump them up, Dont give up, we seen no lungs and he only lived 3 weeks and they never seen the other lung

Baby Seth"s Dad

Elizabeth said...

I have watched these babies being born for almost 10 years - and numbers and ultrsounds - they truly don't know until baby is here. This and at 36 weeks there is a chemical release that helps to expand lungs for all babies.

Now, it isn't that you shouldn't be prepared for the worst but you should hope and pray for the best.

With thoughts, prayers and lung function chants,

The Daher Family said...

Hi, I'm almost 24 weeks pregnant and found out my future daughter has CDH about 3-4 weeks ago. I am with you on this journey and thinking and praying for you! I totally get what you said about the "friends" thing.

Positive thoughts!!
Lisa and baby Ava

Clyde and Angela said...

Sky & Carla,
Clyde and I will continue to pray for you all. WE know that GOD has the final say so and we have faith that your miracle will happen! Please let us know if we can do anything!

Prayers & Hugs, Angela & Clyde