Friday, February 27, 2009

Joseph Carter DeJohn

I’m sorry to say that our beautiful baby boy passed away yesterday 2/26 peacefully in his mommy’s arms. We had 23 amazing days with Joseph and we are very happy we had that time with him, but at the same time we are very sad and angry that he is no longer with us. That’s not fair :( I wish things like this didn't happen, we are good parents and Joseph was a wonderful son. He fought the most he could even when the doctors gave him 0 chance. He was very strong and he fought till the end.

Joseph we LOVE you a lot and I’m very very sorry there was nothing else I could do to help you and keep you here with us. We will miss but we’ll never forget you. I can't believe we wont see you grow. I try to understand the reason why you had to go, but nothing makes sense. People say I will understand one day but honestly I don't think I will. I just wish God gave you a chance and left you here with healthy lungs and a good heart.

Thanks for everyone’s support and prayers. We will update soon with Joseph’s funeral arrangements.

We lost a son and gained an angel!


~ Carla, Sky and family


Irvin family said...

Sky and Carla, I can not even start to say our very sorry we are about Joseph. It is hard to understand why babies have to die. For some reason God needed Joseph is heaven. Brian and I are so thankful that we had the chance to meet you and Joseph. Our hearts are braking. We will never forget Joseph and when she is old enough we will be sure that our little Oakley know about how hard Joseph fought. Please let us know if we can do anything. You are in our prayers.

With love,
Brian and Sheree Irvin

Anonymous said...

Sky and Carla,

We are heartbroken to hear this news. I wish we had some magic words that would make this easier or bring you peace. You are completely justified to feel angry. Joseph was so beautiful and so strong. We will say extra prayers for your family tonight. I am so, so sorry for this terrible loss.

*super dude and super dog* said...

Sky & Carla,
I am heartbroken with the news of Joseph's passing. I have no words to ease your pain, so please know that you are in our prayers.

Brad & Kellie Myers

Clyde and Angela said...

Sky & Carla,
We are so very saddened by your loss. Joseph was a beautiful little warrior. I cannot begin to imagine your pain. If there is anything that you guys should need, please let us know. We will be praying for strength and peace for your family.(HUGS)

We love you guys!
-Clyde & Angela

Rosa said...

Workds can't tell you how sad I am for you loss. Joseph made you all so strong and his strenght will stay with you forever. With time you will find the peace you are looking for.
Much love,

Sheena said...

Sky+Carla....I am so very very sorry for your loss. I am in tears right now with just an imagination of the pain you feel. You guys are in my prayers. PLEASE let me know if there is anything I can do for you.

M'Kaneghay Hudson said...

Sky and Carla,

We can not imagine the pain and hurt and anger you are going through. We send our condolences to you and your family. It is so hard to understand why people die especially children but know that you have gained an angel to watch over all of you. We will pray for you and your family. Let us know if you need anything.

Love ya,
Roy and M'Kaneghay

Jin said...

We are so sorry for your loss!

-Jinette and Fred

greeneyed1 said...

Yesterday I planted a new garden in the yard that I can see from my office window. I thought about you two and Joseph constantly while I was doing it. I prayed alot. I asked God for clarity on the situation. And when I stood up and looked at the flowers that I had just planted, the words "Joseph's garden" came into my mind. In memorium to him, I will cherish it and keep it growing in this home that is so special to me.

You two are phenominal parents and we are so sorry about little Joseph and what you are having to deal with. No words are really comforting right now I know. But take comfort knowing that so many people, many who didn't know you guys, have prayed the past 2 months and continue to pray for you today. You have a large support network and we will do whatever we can to support and assist you and your girls.

Yes, Joseph the angel will inspire us all to keep fighting no matter what battles we face in life. We will never forget his tenacity. Goodbye CHAMP.

We love you guys and will be there by the end of the day to help out any way that we can the next few days.

Meon and Dad

A simple being said...

i have watch your blog since you began sharing joesph with us. i am so sorry for your loss, no other than your family will truely know your loss,but as a cdh angel mom i can fell your pain, i will carry some of it for you and pray that you find the peace and hope and love you need to heal and strengthen your journey as parents of an angel. there is peace to know that joesph will never know pain and is among a flock of lambs guarded by our creator...please take care and know you are not alone, you have never been alone. in peace and hope whitney aubrey's mom

Anonymous said...

Sky and Carla, you have the Glover's condolences. Believe it or not this was God's plan for Joseph to see his parents and know that he is loved not only by God but his parents, big sister and family. Don't look at this as a punishment but a blessing to have had seen Joseph and spend moments with him that other parents do not get to have.
We will be praying for you and your familys healing hearts. We love you guys.

libertad15 said...

There are not words to say how sorry I am for your loss. I know there are words that will make you feel better. All I have to say is that we are very sorry for your loss.


Santa & Family, and the whole office.

Anonymous said...

Querida Carla, Mis pensamientos, mi corazon y mis oraciones han estado contigo. Yo se que no hay palabras en el mundo que te den consuelo pero Dios tiene un proposito para todo aunque no lo entendamos en este momento. Te quiero mucho y reciban un abrazo desde mi corazon.


Anonymous said...

i am so sorry for your loss!!! take comfort in that there are a TON of people praying for you guys now more than EVER!

Alicia said...

There will always be things we don't understand, but God always knows better...

My little big man...I thank God for the opportunity of letting us share time with you. I learned so much from you. Your braveness, your innocence, your willingness are examples of how we should live. Through you, we learned. Through you, we gained many friends. For you, many that didn't even knew you, prayed. I will never forget you. You will always be in my heart - FOREVER. You will always be my lil big fighter.

My dear daughter, Carla and son, Skylar...I'm here - always. I pray that one day we can look back and understand many things and be comforted. Joseph came to our lives for a reason, let's find it and use it to help others. I am and continue to be so proud of you. Eventually, the pain will ease and the memory will live forever.

To all the caregivers at Children' blessings. Thank you for giving so much to my family, especially to Joseph.

My friends and co-workers...thanks for all the prayers and support. Your words comforted me many times.

God, I place my family in your arms. I know you are with us.

Anonymous said...

A Coworker has a CDH baby girl and because of her blog, I found your blog. I have been following Joseph's story and today my heart is broken for you and your family. I am so sorry for your loss. There just no words for the loss of a child.

Shelley in Texas

Stephanie said...

Sky and Carla,
My heart is breaking for you. I just have no words to ease the pain and sorrow you must be feeling. Sweet Baby Joseph is in God's arms right now, safe and sound.
Sending much much love!
Stephanie (Kamryn's Mom)

Ron Greene said...

Sky & Carla,
Our hearts & prayers go out to you & your family at this time. Little Joseph touched so many people in the short time he was with us, especially in me. I have shed more tears these past few weeks than I have my entire life.

Be strong & take comfort in knowing you & your family is loved very much, even by people such as ourselves, (I've only met you twice Skylar, through your father.)
May you find strength & peace in knowing Joseph is home with our Heavenly Father.

Ron & Kimberly Greene

CDHi Admin said...

I am so very, very sorry for your loss. I know there are no words that can ease this pain... I lost my cherub too and I wish so much you still had Joseph in your arms. Whatever we can do, whatever you need.. please know we're here for you.

Diana Morquecho said...

Sky and Carla,
Yo se que no hay palabras q los consuelen, y solamente me queda decirles que estoy con ustedes y lo siento mucho. Estoy de acuerdo en que ustedes son unos grandiosos padres y no entiendo porq Joseph tuvo q partir. Entiendo que Dios sabe lo que hace y ahora tendran un hermoso angel cuidandolos. Lo siento mucho y los acompano en su dolor.

Fer said...

Dear Sky and Carla,

I am so very sorry for your loss. I will be praying for you and your family so you can find the peace and strenght you need during this difficult time.


Anonymous said...

I am heartbroken over the death of your precious little boy. He has impacted my life in so many ways, even though none of us have met. I am lifting all of you up in prayer.

God Bless all the CDH babies/families.

Darcy said...

Dear Sky and Carla,
I am so sorry for the loss of your precious son. Joseph is a beautiful little boy. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Sky and Carla, My family and I are sorry for your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Tracy Meats said...

Sky and Carla,
I am so very sorry for your loss of Joseph. Many prayers for your family during this difficult time.

Tracy Meats - mom to Ian, born with a LCDH on 4/3/04 and WY and CO State Rep. for CHERUBS

Anonymous said...

My heart is breaking for your family. Please try to stay calm, I wish I could hold your hand thru this and say something that will make you feel better. I will pray for you and your family. please angel Jacob give your mamy the strenght she needs.
The Ornelas

Anonymous said...

There are no words.....but there are so many that have felt the love your family shares.

Elizabeth J. said...

Carla, Sky, and Family,
I have been keeping up with your family now in private, very much hoping for the best for your little angel. My own little boy passed away two months ago (after also having been on ECMO) and my heart is just breaking and aching for you at this time. I am so very sorry for your loss. Please know that though I don't know you, I love your family very much and pray that the Lord will grant you peace and comfort at this time. My prayers are with you.

Elizabeth Johanson

Anonymous said...

To My son Skylar and Carla, I am so sorry for the lost of your beautiful baby boy Joseph. just the short time I spent with Joseph I saw the beauty he got from both of you. he is now a heavenly angel with GOD looking down at wonderful parents and two beautiful sisters Alyssa and Sofia. We will forever have precious memories of Joseph the little Warrior that was here for just a short time to receive so much love. The healing of this sadness will take some time for you Skylar and Carla,but know you have love all around your forever. Love Mom, Ashley, Christian,Jasmine and Cameron

The Vierig's said...

You guys are amazing parents and Joseph is lucky to have you. What a warrior he was through all of this. You will be thought of and prayed for often.

Anonymous said...

Our hearts and prayers are with you and your family.

Unknown said...

Sky and Carla,

We just discovered your blog the other day and are so sad to hear the latest. Samit and I have only talked with you a few times, but it was enough to know what wonderful people and parents you are. Our prayers are with you through this unbelievably tough time.

Whitney Allen & Samit Patel

Craig and Kristi Kuehl said...

I don't even know what to say. Just know that I am deeply saddend by the news and pray that you both and the girls will heal from this tragedy. I know your pain is deep now, but please find strength in eachother and God. He will see you thru this.

The Daher Family said...

My heart goes out to you. I am truely heartbroken to hear this news. I pray you find comfort in the days ahead.

~Lisa (mommy to Ava due 5/16/09)

Shawna03 said...

I'm so very sorry for your lost of baby Joseph. Words won't take the pain away. You and your family are in my prayers.

Maxton's Mommy said...

It's taken me all day to figure out what to write and I still have nothing... I am so heartbroken at this news and can only offer prayers for your family and for sweet baby Joseph. Thinking of you all!

Nina said...

Hi guys, Mignon and Dave had been keeping me posted on little Josephs status and have informed me of his passing. I can only imagine how difficult of a journey it was, but can see through your page that God has obviously given both of you the wisdom and strength to make it through. Since visiting your page, I have forwarded it to all of my co-workers here at NASA, friends, and family in an effort to ensure the awareness of CDH, your supernatural strength, and love for your son, be known. Truly you are remarkable parents and my heart goes out to you. Sky, I’m more than sure that the love that you and Carla have for one another and your children will be more than enough to see you through any emotional feelings and situations that may occur. I will defiantly continue to keep all of you in my prayers as always. I Love and miss you guys, and hope to see you soon.

Liz and Shane said...

I am in tears. I am so sad, I am thinking of you and praying for your family.

Anonymous said...

So sorry for your loss, will never forget the little warrior under the prayer shawl that had angel on it. Tears form in my eyes many times today as Joseph enter my mind. I know this will not ease you pain but I imagine God need precious little babies also. He truly received a gem of a boy yesterday. Bet both of them have a big grin on their faces.
Oakley's Granddad Skip

Jen said...

Sky & Carla,

I'm so saddened to hear this news. Please know that I'm praying for strength and comfort for your family. Joseph is breathing easy now, and even though I don't think I'll ever understand why God takes these precious babies from us, I do believe He has a plan for us all.


JP said...

Sky and Carla,

Words cannot describe how we feel right now, we are extremely sorry to hear the news about Joseph.
Please know you are in our thoughts and prayers.

Julie & Philip

Elizabeth said...

They grow in your heart - and Joseph always had wings, we mere mortals just couldn't see them. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers...

Unknown said...

hey Sky+Carla this is Holyfield,
Was just checking out the site browsing and reading and came across the news about your son. Of course the norm is to say your in my prayers & I hope you and your family makes it through.(BELIEVE ME I DO) I have (as I told) you lost a close family member before & it hurts but I say remember the time you did have with your son as I do daily with my little brother. God doesnt make mistakes so in knowing that you gained an angel keep the faith and stay stong.

RIP lil Joseph
HelAna & Holyfield

Vicki Jensen said...

I am so sorry to read about the loss of Joseph. I will keep your family in my thoughts and prayers.
mom to Jack, LCDH & ECMO, Aug 2007

Katie said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. I will continue to keep your family in my prayers.

Unknown said...

Im so so sorry for your loss. You guys are some of the best people Ive ever meant. Joseph was a warrior and his life has touched mine. You guys will continue to be in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry about your loss. I feel the loss so deeply even though I am 'distant' family. I'm sure that nothing can ease your pain right now. But I wanted to share that little Joseph had such a great influence on me and all of my friends with whom I shared his story. He had such a positive influence on us all and his strength brought us all a newness of purpose. I will continue to pray for you all each day.

Val Gill
Mignon's cousin

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for the loss of your precious baby... There are no words.... So sorry.

(Stephanie's friend from IVFC)

Anonymous said...

sky and carla, i am so sorry for your loss, for me it was a very good experience to see Joseph at the hospital and i got to touch him and pray for him, i wish you all the best in life and i want ya to know that you guys have a beautifull angel watching over you guys, now he is in heaven with our lord our father and he could not have gone to a better place.... please don't lose your faith, God is good... all you guys can do now is be stronger and pray for A Better day.... take care


Katrina said...

The DeJohn Family,

I don't even know where to start... I don't know your family, Brian Irvin and I are cousins, and I followed little Joseph through their updates. Each and everytime I talked to any of our family that called with news on little Oakley, I was always asking "what about Joseph." I know you feel anger now and can not even imagine what you are going through. God has a plan; he needs roses in heaven too... and Joseph is for sure a new rose. Please know I have prayed for your family and will continue to do so. ~Katrina Swain

Anonymous said...

Sky and Carla,

We are so sorry for your loss and will keep your family in our prayers. There is nothing that can be said to ease your pain at this difficult time, just know that you have many people praying for your family.

Unknown said...

Carla & Sky,

I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I know it is hard and I know that God is watching over your baby boy. Take care and I love you guys much.


D.C. (but you know who I really am S.)

Anonymous said...

Hi Sky and Carla,
I so Sorry for you lost. My Prayers are with you at this time. I pray for peace and understanding during this hard time.
Camille Clemons~from W.Camera

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry that this had to happen to you. My fiance and I lost our daughter last year, and I know that losing a child is the WORST possible thing in the whole will take some time but things will get better...the pain will never go away, you'll just be able to deal with the lost a little better....Just no matter what keep your heads up and always remember what joy Joseph brought to your lives. You may have lost him in person, but he is there in your hearts forever! I will keep your family in my prayers!

RIP Joseph! Rian is up in heaven looking for a friend!


missphom said...

sky and carla - I AM SO,SO SORRY... my thoughts are with you.