First off, we would like to thank everyone for their support and prayers. We are so blessed to have such amazing people keeping us in their thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. Joseph has definitely benefited from your love. This has been a crazy week for us but luckily we have gotten some amazing support from our family and friends. Carla's family has been taking care of our girls and my dad and step mom drove down from Houston to support us and spoil Alyssa and Sofia as well. They were also able to visit Joseph in the NICU.
Carla and I have been visiting with him everyday and he is improving little by little. He has his good days and bad days. He started out at a flow of 400 on the ECMO machine his first day and now they have taken it down to 270. The numbers have been going up and down but the goal is to get it down to a flow of 200. The ECMO is basically his life support, but the more they turn the flow pumps down means the more work Joseph is doing on his own which is great. We also found out that his heart hasn't been pumping as strong as it should so they are going to do an ECHO (heart exam) tomorrow. The nurses are doing their best to keep him sedated and relaxed because he's getting uncomfortable and fighting to get off the bed at times. We've noticed him kicking his feet and waving his arms. It's exciting to see him move but the nurses are worried about him pulling the wires and sensors off of his body. He knocked his oxygen monitor off yesterday and the nurse almost went crazy trying to figure out what happened. He is definitely a strong fighter, but we need him to relax. We are just praying that his lungs and heart are as strong as his will.
Joseph took a few steps back today, so hopefully we'll get back in track tomorrow. His lungs are a little more compressed than before, he had blood transfusion, and they had to add a few more medications including one more for the heart, so he's currently on two medications for the heart.
Here is a shot of Joseph chillin with his cool shades.

Mommy holding his hand. He is so relaxed when he senses Carla is around. She whispers to him and he reaches out for her. So touching.

Us with our little warrior.

Thank you and God bless you all. I'll be back soon with more updates.
Sky + Carla,
He is so precious!!! Gracias por compartir estas fotos ... Dios lo bendiga...
Joseph, you're a fighter and I'm praying for you... los quiero mucho,
Sky & Carla
I am happy to hear that Joseph is putting up a good fight! He is one tough warrior and I have faith and hope that he will kick CDH booty!
Every night when I go to bed I say a prayer for little Joseph.
Carla you look amazing!!! How old is Joseph now? Seriously you don't look like you just had a baby!
Joseph is beautiful, and we think about him everyday. Good luck and stay strong.
Have you tried reading to Joseph? When Carter was on ECMO, that's one thing we did to feel "normal" and also let him know we were there. They also let us play soft music for him. Both things really seemed to calm him.
Carla looks fantastic! So do you Skye, but you didn't just have a baby :)
Hang in there and know prayers are coming.
Just know that Jason and I are thinking about all 3 of you! He is a little fighter and will beat CDH.
Sky + Carla;
Thank you again for keeping us update!!! We pray everyday for Joseph and his health. We also pray for you guys to have the support to keep him fighting. God gave you a wonderful, cute little man who will growth stronger. Keep your hopes up cause then you will need the energy to run after him :D. We love you and support you in this hard task.
Santa & Familia
Hi Carla and Sky,
How exciting to know that he is moving around! although it is better for him to be calm, it also shows how much of a fighter he is and that he will get through this soon! we will continue to pray for you guys!
And i also agree with playing music for him, it calms them down soo much and they remember it forever!! Keep strong!
and yes u do look great Carla!
Thinking of you
Me and William are happy that Joseph is doing better you guys are in our prayers
Trina AND William
Joseph is already such a strong little boy! Just know that my prayers are with Joseph and your family. I have faith and hope that he will be beat CDH! :]]]
My handsome little man:
You're such a fighter. I'm so proud of you.
It was great spending time with you today.
You are a ray of sunshine. Thanks for bringing so much light into my life.
I see healing coming your way... You are blessed and God continues to watch over you...
Luv you,
Thanks for the update, I'm so happy to hear that Joseph is staying strong. Hang in there guys, I'm praying for you!
Joseph is so precious. I love the pictures. Carla you look great! Thank you for the update on Joseph. We are praying for you in Cali. Fight Joseph!
Joseph is beautiful...! We talk about ya'll everyday and continue to pray everyday for ya'll.
Theary, Jack, Jackson, & Taylor
I see somwonw writting you in spanish, so here I go...
Espero que Joseph se recupere pronto para que lo puedan llevar a casa. estaré rezando por él.
Mom to Juan Pablo (RCDH)
Sky & Carla,
Your son is beautiful. I am a friend of your brother Terry and just wanted you all to know that I'm lifting you and your son up in prayer. The one we call Jehovah-Rapha (the Lord who Heals) is the same one who calls Joseph his own.
Be strong and courageous Joseph and I wish you all the best!
Ashley J.
May the Grace of God be known by all in this time.
Carla & Sky,
We are keeping Joseph in our thoughts and prayers. He is a fighter and he is adorable too:)
Beatriz & Erick-Charlie Elizabeth's parents
ECMO is hard but it is there. His flow is good. 500 we were told was 120% support so starting at 400 and going down is good. They may want to cover his eyes and try to keep the noise very quiet.
Relax little one - you have your whole life to be a fighter.
With thoughts, prayers and Lung Function chants,
Sky & Carla;
We still praying for Joseph, we never stop praying for his health. Not only my family is praying for his health, friends have include Joseph in their prayers and we really want him to get much better :). He is so precious and we all want him to keep fighting.
I love you guys so much. I am always praying for you all and want you to know that I am here for you if you ever need anything.
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